Monday, November 19, 2007

Saying goodbye

I am in the process of taking my last final exams as an undergrad and packing all of my belongings to prepare for my move to Cincinnati. I'm going to miss a lot of things about Ohio University, but I think I might miss the Equestrian Team the most.

I've had a great few years riding with the team. I have learned so much from my coach and fellow riders and have made some great friends along the way. I have been able to ride so many different wonderful horses, and was even fortunate enough to make strong bond with one horse in particular -- Gump.

I've been riding Gump almost every day since this summer. We've been through a lot together as we worked on building up his confidence over fences after he had some lameness issues. We competed at a show together this summer and I've been leasing him all quarter. I'm going to miss Gump and his quirky personality a lot as I make my way home. Saying goodbye to a horse you've shared a bond with is always difficult., but I know Gump is in good hands here with OUET. And I'm sure I'll be back to visit!

Thanksgiving is in a few days, and I know I'll be listing the Team and all of the benefits I've gained from riding through college in all the things I'm thankful for.

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